Written on Aug 17, 2018
I like that "Love Letters to Jane’s World" is relatable, but all the words are too much. If I’d had a physical copy for review, I think my experience reading it would have been less of an issue. I can see myself taking this along to wait at a doctor’s office or something and reading then. The anthology gives a good overview of Jane’s life without needing to get the other comics. I’ve never read Jane’s World, of course, so…I don’t know if this is the whole of them! 🤷
I rated it 3/5 stars because of the words—wordiness might be a turnoff for peeps, and I know I’d want to be warned about it, given my eyesight. Comics have come a long way since 20 years ago. I’m not expecting them to be redrawn or anything—this just seems to be something before my comics-reading time. I’m fine with Jane and her friends being chatty and all that—but I really feel like, if the medium is comic form, there should be less words and more visuals.
Full review on Janepedia, 8/27.