Written on Jun 25, 2013
I was enjoying this book even before I realised the age of the author and, when I discovered it was written by a teenager, I was surprised. She did a really good job.
One of my favourite things about this book was the way the Greek Gods were protrayed. Often, they're fickle or cruel, especially Zeus who is often seen to be short tempered and uncaring about the rest of the Gods. They're also often shown to interfere in human life.
Sarah's Zeus is a powerful figure but one who cares for the others and who is just and fair. Apollo is mischievious and likeable and the majority of the others are solid characters. The only exception is Hades who acts like a petulant child, something that did annoy me slightly.
I wasn't so keen on Katla all the way through, she is very much a teenager (which is actually the age she is so it's a well suited attitude for her), I just found some of her attitude a bit much.
The only criticism I have of the book is the fact that there wasn't really an aim to the story. It wasn't the sort of story where something happens and they're trying to put it right or trying to save something, it was a little bit of a mishmash. However, that isn't necessarily a bad thing but I think it wouldn't suit some readers. It didn't spoil the story for me, it's just a point I wanted to raise and something to think about for future stories :)
I will definitely read something else by Sarah Nestler and I would love to read more about Apollo and Katla and their adventures.
Well done :)