Written on Mar 22, 2019
Now there are a LOT of characters thrown at you in the beginning and it will take a chapter to get used to everyone and how they are all linked. But I loved it! It meant I had a huge pool of suspects and intrigue to go with it and I loved it! The story was not just told from a Detective or killer’s voice but everyone! However, until you got used to this, it was not always clear which year we were in, in each new chapter, until you had started to read it.
Right this second, there is nothing I can fault about this book. This book is so character driven, that it made me fly through it! I quite enjoy that you don’t get to know the ins and outs of each of the characters straight away and that they all lead the story.
You are getting insights to their lives, but only fleeting because each chapter and chapter break is a different character’s viewpoint as we witness how they are dealing individually to the case of the missing girl Shannon Ross. Everyone had a voice and it really did drive this story.
With so many characters in this book, there is so much going on in the book and I think this helped progress the story and enable me to fly through it. I did not get bored with hearing the same voice.
Not only that but we are taken back to 1996, where a girl Sophie Nicholls was brutally raped and murdered by 2 boys Daniel and Jack. I was forever trying to figure out how the stories were linked. When I did, it was the who I did not guess! Especially with red herrings that got thrown my way!!
I did guess who had killed Shannon, but it did not matter, as the events that were covered in the two week period the case covered meant more. Watching how one single act destroyed so many lives and uncovered so many secrets. Making you question how well do you know someone.
About 65% into the book, my heart broke. As a mum it makes you worry and it makes you want to hold that little person so much closer to you (despite their meltdowns!) and wrap them up in cotton wool. My eyes misted over, as there was so much raw sadness at this point in the book.
Not going to lie, I do not think I have picked my jaw up off the ground yet and I did use the words OMFG a few times! I need the second book….like right now….seriously!! Can this be arranged! You can not leave me hanging like this!! It is cruel!
I really can not wait to get to know Jessie in the next books, as we begin to learn more about her. She is focussed and determined and I love that and she was portrayed in what I thought was a realistic way with her own secrets of course.
I found the writing by Ms Watts so addictive and she had me hook, line and sinker (sorry poor joke! When you read the book you will know why!). I found it completely fast paced and action packed, never knowing what might happen next! I felt everyone’s reactions were portrayed in a way that you could envisage it happening! It was a roller coaster of a ride and a brave move to that paid off by giving everyone their own voice.
Told you this review does not make much sense doh!