Written on Mar 15, 2014
Enmity was a mix of The Hunger Games, a dash of Divergent and science fiction packaged in an action packed storyline where teens are trained to fight an enemy most couldn't care less about. It follows the story of both Nate and Hermia, told in dual points of view. Both were taken against their will to join eight other teens, some taken and some volunteering to train for a war against a brewing revolution. Nate is deemed as their leader, a young man with an imposing presence that is mourning the loss of his family. Hermia was on the verge of selling her body into a life of prostitution before she was snatched, but she's abrasive and isn't winning friends amongst the other teens. The two couldn't be more different, but the two share a common secret that neither of them knows about the other... Yet.
I really enjoyed it. It was a short, sharp read that sucked me in and kept my attention. The storyline seems to have been inspired by many of the popular dystopian novels that many of us have on our shelves, but merged them into a brilliant little read. My only complaint (which I'm sure will be what lures most readers in) is that I wanted more action, more fighting and less romance. But there's no awkward love triangles in this one, a case of instant love in one case, but rather than having the two points of view merge into one romance, it strays from the usual. It was really refreshing. Take a chance with this one, it'll really surprise you.