Written on Mar 29, 2013
+Public http://www.adventuresinneverneverland.com/2013/08/14/how-to-hear-from-god-by-joyce-myers-book-review-3/
+Public http://www.adventuresinneverneverland.com/2013/08/14/how-to-hear-from-god-by-joyce-myers-book-review-2/
+Public http://www.adventuresinneverneverland.com/2013/08/14/how-to-hear-from-god-by-joyce-myers-book-review/
Have you ever wondered if it was God talking to you or the devil trying to tempt you? Have you ever wondered how people always seem to know how God is speaking to them? This book will show you the basic of how to know if it is God and what he is saying. There are other books that go into more detain, but this book is good for getting the basics down. I think this is important because I feel too many people try and take shortcuts with God and there are no shortcuts. If you do that chances are that the devil will tell you something you want to hear and because you are in a hurry you will think it is the Lord speaking to you.
How to Hear From God discusses several different ways that you know a message is from God. My favorite one is that when you make a decision when you pray about it you will have peace. Have you ever decided something then have that niggling feeling that something just isn’t right? That is your sign to wait. If you have peace about something you know to go ahead.
I liked this book, and it made me want to delve deeper into the topic. Like I stated above this is only a basic introductory book on the subject. It does not go into detail the steps you have to take to really have an intimate relationship with God, which is necessary if you want to have more then a fleeting convo with him. Steps like obedience, doing what God tells you before he will tell you more etc.
I would read this book as a stepping stone to other books that delve more deeply into the topic.
The post How To Hear From God by Joyce Myers | Book Review appeared first on Adventures in Never Never Land.
The post How To Hear From God by Joyce Myers | Book Review appeared first on Adventures in Never Never Land.
The post How To Hear From God by Joyce Myers | Book Review appeared first on Adventures in Never Never Land.
The post How To Hear From God by Joyce Myers | Book Review appeared first on Adventures in Never Never Land.This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land