Written on Mar 30, 2014
What I liked about A Lesson in Passion :
* I liked that the author didn't take herself too seriously. She made fun of typical romance situations (including the sex scenes) and made them funny.
* The heroine was a ball to the walls type girl. And I liked that.
* The sex scenes were hot. Need that in a romance novel...lol.
What I didn't like about A Lesson in Passion:
* I really didn't like that Ginny kept getting verbally/physically abused when she went back in time and that Ian didn't do anything. He actually said it was alright for Broderick to backhand her for laughing at him. Didn't sit right with me.
* The rape and abuse of Alec's wife. While it wasn't described in great detail, there was enough said that could cause a flashback for a rape survivor.
*The ending. I don't like cliff hangers.
Would I recommend A Lesson in Passion to other readers?
Yes. But be on the look out for triggers if you have been a victim of rape or domestic violence.