Written on Feb 16, 2010
So very excited about this! I am not a fan of mass market paperback, but I love Amber Miller Stockton (formerly published as Amber Miller) and her creative imagination that she shares in her stories. So when I found out that her Delaware Dawning or Delaware Brides series (depending on who you talk to) from Heartsong Presents was going to be published in one Trade paperback Volume... OH HAPPY DAY!!! If you have not already read the stories as they were, read them now and treasure them in this adorable one volume with a gorgeous cover. I am so excited about the Romancing America line of fiction from Barbour Books, so very excited. *grin*
[b:Promises, Promises|3329967|Promises, Promises (Delaware Dawning, Book #1, HP #784)|Amber Miller Stockton|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1215626292s/3329967.jpg|3367975]
Amber Miller has a great work in this book. The story is just what it needs to be. Starting out with a tragedy that allows one to get their back up and spout all their reasons for not trusting in the Lord and to go through a process of healing and really seeing what the Lord is trying to do for them is so hard to put into words, and she did it. Reading this story of Raelene makes you take the time to look at what is going on in your own life. For me it makes me think about the comparison to English life of Jane Austen-types and the farmers in the early colonies. So many times I gripe about what strife I have, but in the end really none of it does compare to what God provides. Like Gustaf, God sits by silently waiting for us to open our eyes while we continually break his heart over and over again. This story had everything that it needed, and I'm so glad that I crossed over it in my life.
[b:Quills & Promises|3696969|Quills & Promises (Delaware Dawning, Book #2, HP #803)|Amber Miller Stockton|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1215626841s/3696969.jpg|3740475]
*sigh* Is it not fabulous when as a reader, you turn the last page of a book and the first thing you do is sigh in complete contentment. Well that is my reaction and I am certain many others experience with the second Promises book from Amber Miller "Quills & Promises". It tells the story of the daughter of the characters from the first book, "Promises, Promises" and is complete on it's own as a stand alone as well. I cannot wait to read more from this author.
The story took me into the time of the French & Indiana war, and I was able to meet people and learn personalities and experiences that I have not had before. It was great. One of my favorite movies is "The Patriot" and even though that was the Revolutionary War, this story reminded me of it, but it was better. In this story we have to characters that write letters through out the course of war and you find out things about the war as well as personalities. The best part that makes the story in the book better than that movie, is the devotion to God and even though the desire for retaliation is there, the act is not. That is something that is so hard, but so full of Christ's love as an example.
I highly recommend the stories from Amber Miller to anyone craving a little romance in a historical setting.
[b:Deceptive Promises|6375287|Deceptive Promises (Delaware Brides Series #3) (Heartsong Presents #823)|Amber Miller Stockton|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1241909059s/6375287.jpg|6562923]
Deceptive Promises is probably my favorite of the three Delaware Brides Series. Maybe it because authors get better with time or just deeper into you heart. Maybe it is because the Revolutionary War is my favorite period of American history. Maybe it is because I cannot imagine falling in love and then being separated for months on end and want to know how the characters can possibly survive it! Either way, this book is fabulous and I loved it.
Margret is not a half bad character name either, if you know what I mean. *grin* The only negative thing I have to say at all is that I do not like the cover. Their position seems so unnatural and she almost looks uncomfortable and as if she wants to run. Yet again, maybe that is just me. Plus I am not a fan of mass markets, but anything from this author Amber Miller, soon to be published as Amber Stockton is worth it.
This is a story that delves into history and tells details of some of my favorite historical players. This is almost a history lesson with some romance thrown in. To really understand some of the other characters I would suggest reading the entire trilogy, but it is very capable of being read alone as well, and highly recommended as a novel as well.
[b:Promises, Promises|3329967|Promises, Promises (Delaware Dawning, Book #1, HP #784)|Amber Miller Stockton|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1215626292s/3329967.jpg|3367975]
Amber Miller has a great work in this book. The story is just what it needs to be. Starting out with a tragedy that allows one to get their back up and spout all their reasons for not trusting in the Lord and to go through a process of healing and really seeing what the Lord is trying to do for them is so hard to put into words, and she did it. Reading this story of Raelene makes you take the time to look at what is going on in your own life. For me it makes me think about the comparison to English life of Jane Austen-types and the farmers in the early colonies. So many times I gripe about what strife I have, but in the end really none of it does compare to what God provides. Like Gustaf, God sits by silently waiting for us to open our eyes while we continually break his heart over and over again. This story had everything that it needed, and I'm so glad that I crossed over it in my life.
[b:Quills & Promises|3696969|Quills & Promises (Delaware Dawning, Book #2, HP #803)|Amber Miller Stockton|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1215626841s/3696969.jpg|3740475]
*sigh* Is it not fabulous when as a reader, you turn the last page of a book and the first thing you do is sigh in complete contentment. Well that is my reaction and I am certain many others experience with the second Promises book from Amber Miller "Quills & Promises". It tells the story of the daughter of the characters from the first book, "Promises, Promises" and is complete on it's own as a stand alone as well. I cannot wait to read more from this author.
The story took me into the time of the French & Indiana war, and I was able to meet people and learn personalities and experiences that I have not had before. It was great. One of my favorite movies is "The Patriot" and even though that was the Revolutionary War, this story reminded me of it, but it was better. In this story we have to characters that write letters through out the course of war and you find out things about the war as well as personalities. The best part that makes the story in the book better than that movie, is the devotion to God and even though the desire for retaliation is there, the act is not. That is something that is so hard, but so full of Christ's love as an example.
I highly recommend the stories from Amber Miller to anyone craving a little romance in a historical setting.
[b:Deceptive Promises|6375287|Deceptive Promises (Delaware Brides Series #3) (Heartsong Presents #823)|Amber Miller Stockton|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1241909059s/6375287.jpg|6562923]
Deceptive Promises is probably my favorite of the three Delaware Brides Series. Maybe it because authors get better with time or just deeper into you heart. Maybe it is because the Revolutionary War is my favorite period of American history. Maybe it is because I cannot imagine falling in love and then being separated for months on end and want to know how the characters can possibly survive it! Either way, this book is fabulous and I loved it.
Margret is not a half bad character name either, if you know what I mean. *grin* The only negative thing I have to say at all is that I do not like the cover. Their position seems so unnatural and she almost looks uncomfortable and as if she wants to run. Yet again, maybe that is just me. Plus I am not a fan of mass markets, but anything from this author Amber Miller, soon to be published as Amber Stockton is worth it.
This is a story that delves into history and tells details of some of my favorite historical players. This is almost a history lesson with some romance thrown in. To really understand some of the other characters I would suggest reading the entire trilogy, but it is very capable of being read alone as well, and highly recommended as a novel as well.