Written on Sep 1, 2018
The Handy Shop Reference: Useful Facts and Figures for Every Woodworker is a comprehensive absolutely no-frills shop reference. Written by woodworking guru Tom Begnal, and published by F+W Media, it's 224 pages and available in flexibound/spiral format.
This book is literally packed with info on safety, adhesives, tools, sizes, conversion info, square yardage, wood types, and many other essential info for the woodworker/handyperson.
If I have one small quibble with the book, it's that a fair amount of page content was used doing conversions and simple math calculations that would be so much easier if the user simply understood the mathematics behind the calculations. I know there are sadly a fair number of math-o-phobes out there, but in trying to do absolutely ALL the math for the reader, the author succeeds in making it look very intimidating.
This is a very useful book, and the non-algebra/geometry parts of the book are well worth the price of the book.
This is a no-nonsense book. It's not an instruction book or tutorial guide or anything other than a bench reference, but it's a good one.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.