Dr. Sonia Manzo is an Ecotoxicologist, PhD in Applied Ecology and Senior Researcher at ENEA, The Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, at Research Center of Portici (Naples) Italy. Her research interests are based on the impact evaluation of chemical contaminants and their mixture also in climate-changing scenarios. A special focus was paid to fate, behavior, and toxic effects of contaminants of environmental concern such as Micronanoplastics and nanomaterials and in the assessment of their ecological risk. More, her efforts were also devoted to the Development of new ecotoxicological protocols with diverse test organisms, with a view to implementing test batteries suitable for the assessment of contaminated environmental matrices and to toxic data integration in a synthetic index. She published more than 60 publications (H index 26, total citation >2150, i10-index 36)