Since the publication of "The Persnickety Witch of Fiddyment Creek," Gaye has experienced several serendipitous moments she fondly refers to as 'Godwinks.' Among these blessings, she proudly shares the tale of finding love later in life. Ron entered her world after the loss of their respective spouses; Gaye was 71, Ron 73. Their whirlwind romance led to marriage just eight months later, and they now live happily ever after in Romeoville, Illinois.Amidst their newfound happiness, the emergence of COVID-19 placed Gaye's literary endeavors, particularly "The Kings of Fiddyment Creek," on pause. It wasn't until the summer of 2023, after encouragement from Ron and prompting from her Heavenly Father, that Gaye found herself drawn back to the craft of writing. With each word penned, she felt a gentle nudge from above as God guided her hand."The Kings of Fiddyment Creek" marks Gaye's second published work, and she is diligently working on her third book to complete the Fiddyment Trilogy. Through it all, Gaye's journey continues, illuminated by faith, love, and the unwavering belief that every chapter holds the promise of new beginnings.