48 books
Passionate about reading and technological knowledge, the quest to improve people's lives and develop technological skills in every possible field of our lives.
Machine Sacrifice
How much is life worth?
Hiding sadness
The soul of the dragon and queen
The corruption of man
Fantasy tree man
The destroyer of powers
The Cost of Atom Power
The Fairy of the Occult
The Golden King vs. the Beasts
The Divine Shaman
In Search of the Yellow Flautino
The protector of the supernatural
The Lion Aura Pillar
The Dawn of the Temple Exudes
The Shiny Snowman
Ardor the God of fire and victory
The Peak of Decision
The Purple Star of Hope
The Evil Herb of Smirie
The Key to the Future
The Cage of Personalities
The Steps of the Arrow God
The Lying Salamander