Kate Ouimette-Wedell is an experienced public speaker, writer, educator, narrative-focused trauma care practitioner, and advocate for survivors of human trafficking. Kate also is a survivor of ten years in the commercial sex industry and knows what the effects of Complex-PTSD from a life of exploitation can cause. Kate speaks firsthand to what it's like to go from being a trauma- and human-trafficking survivor to an advocate for women to discover their value and purpose. Kate created Cherished, a residential program with a social enterprise, because of her own understanding of the need to begin again. Emerging from the industry is as much of a beginning as it is an ending, and this precarious nexus is where Kate has committed much of her life to work.Kate has been trained in leading story group workshops through narrative-focused trauma care and healing art therapy, and loves bringing this into how she helps other survivors find healing. Kate is the mother of three loved children and enjoys dancing, art, traveling to other countries, and learning about different cultures.
Nov 14, 2023
Cover of Exposed
