Based in Los Angeles, Alexandra is a versatile artist known for her expertise in visual and digital art, watercolor painting, and Chinese painting techniques on rice paper. A cancer survivor, she channels her resilience into creating art that exudes serenity and beauty.Beyond her mastery of traditional and digital mediums, Alexandra is a skilled makeup artist and photographer, capturing moments with a keen artistic eye. Her work reflects a passion for creativity and a commitment to self-reflection.In addition to her artistic pursuits, Alexandra is an avid traveler, a dedicated yoga practitioner, and a hiking enthusiast. Her interests in art, fashion, beauty, and mindfulness converge with her mission to provide children facing life-difficult diagnoses with tools for self-expression and healing through art.For Alexandra, each creation is a testament to the power of art in transforming lives. Through her interactive coloring self-reflection books, she offers individuals a journey of introspection and creativity. Moreover, for every book sold, she generously donates a book to hospitals, ensuring that her art reaches those who need it most.