32 books
"Twinkling Dreams
"The Adventures of Billy and the Comical Shadow Monster"
"Midnight Madness
"Alien School Days"
"Enchanted Forest
"Laughter and Lycra
"The Universe in a Snow Globe"
"Captain Firewhiskers
"Love on the Subway
"Saturated Love"
"Striking the Right Chord
"The Pursuit of Simplicity
"AI Unveiled
The Time-Traveling Pencil Case.
"Chasing the Rainbow
"The Mystery of the Missing Lollipop"
"The Bumbling Baker
"The Quest of Rourke and the Seven Riddles"
"The Butterfly's Struggle
"Blessed by Mother Dolphin
The Enchanted Blossom
"The Circus of Magic and Marvel"
"The Adventures of Alex and Bootsie