Shaunakay's world shattered when she lost her father in 2019. He was not only her parent but also her best friend and role model. Despite his limited education, he instilled in her the values of determination and self-motivation. To cope with her grief, Shaunakay immersed herself in a shared passion she and her father could not enjoy due to allergies: making candles. Thus, Bella Oshun Fragrances was born, a company that merges her love for candles with cherished memories of her father. Crafting hyper-allergenie candles bring her back to joyful moments with her dad. Inspired by his teachings, Shaunakay became resilient, independent, and self-sufficient. In his honor, she established the Isaac Morgan Scholarship and started a GoFundMe campaign to offer scholarships to students. With great pride, she shares their remarkable journey with the world, hoping to inspire and uplift others through their touching story.