Natalie Moss graduated from the University of Georgia with a BA in anthropology, a BS in geology, and a minor in biology. She is currently pursuing her MSc in Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology at the University of Sheffield, and her MPhil in Biological Anthropological Science at the University of Cambridge as a 2023 Marshall Scholar. When she wrote Into the Fire, she liked to imagine herself as a fearless witch toppling a monarchy. In reality, she was usually sitting in the dark, letting the light of a laptop screen reflect off her braces, as she redid her not-so-stylish side braid. She enjoys dogs and thunderstorms, and other things that don't mix. She loves to hike, travel, play softball, listen to old music, and read, especially when a morally-grey female protagonist is involved.
May 16, 2023
Cover of Into the Fire

Into the Fire