Lynne Golodner is the author of ten books and thousands of articles as well as a marketing entrepreneur, writing coach and host of the Make Meaning Podcast. After working as a journalist in New York and Washington, D.C., Lynne returned to her native Detroit to pursue a freelance writing career and teach writing. In 2007, she created Your People, a marketing and public relations company with a focus on storytelling that guides authors in building their brands and marketing their work. In 2023, Lynne founded Scotia Road Books, an independent publishing imprint for women over 40. Lynne's writing has appeared in 45th Parallel, Moment Magazine, Great Lakes Review, Saveur, the Chicago Tribune, Better Homes and Gardens, Midwest Living, the Detroit Free Press, Porridge Magazine, the Jewish Literary Journal, The Good Life Review, Hadassah Magazine, The Forward, Valiant Scribe, Story Unlikely, The Dillydoun Review, QuibbleLit, bioStories and YourTango, among many more publications. Plus, one of Lynne's essays was a finalist in the Annie Dillard Creative Nonfiction contest at Bellingham Review.Lynne teaches writing around the world, leads writers retreats and facilitates The Writers Community. She fuses her marketing expertise with her writing background in webinars and masterminds focused on arming writers with the tools to market their work and build consistent author brands.A former Fulbright Specialist, Lynne graduated from University of Michigan (BA, Communications/English) and Goddard College (MFA, Writing) and earned a Certificate in Entrepreneurship from the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program at Wayne State University. She is the mother of four young adults and lives in Huntington Woods, Michigan with her archivist-husband Dan.Find Lynne: https: //
Aug 27, 2024
Cover of Cave of Secrets

Cave of Secrets

Sep 26, 2023
Cover of Woman of Valor

Woman of Valor