29 books • 4 series
The Sleuth Squad-Adventures in Mystery Solving (Detective Chronicles for Kids: Cases to Crack and Mysteries to Solve, #7)
Exploring the Unknown (Galactic Adventures: Short Science Fiction Stories for Young Readers, #9)
Navigating Life's Challenges-Empowering Stories (Friendship Tales: Celebrating the Power of Love and Understanding, #3)
Friendship Wisdom-Tales of Support, Understanding, and Growth (Friendship Tales: Celebrating the Power of Love and Understanding, #1)
Growing Together-Stories of Friendship and Understanding (Friendship Tales: Celebrating the Power of Love and Understanding, #2)
Adventures in the Unknown Worlds-Tales of Magic and Science (Galactic Adventures: Short Science Fiction Stories for Young Readers, #7)
Young Enquirers (Detective Chronicles for Kids: Cases to Crack and Mysteries to Solve, #4)
City Mysteries Unraveled-The Adventures of Young Sleuths (Detective Chronicles for Kids: Cases to Crack and Mysteries to Solve, #2)
The Mystery Squad-Young Detectives on the Case (Detective Chronicles for Kids: Cases to Crack and Mysteries to Solve, #1)
Elemental Legends-Tales of young heroes (Galactic Adventures: Short Science Fiction Stories for Young Readers, #2)
Chosen Ones and Secret Worlds (Galactic Adventures: Short Science Fiction Stories for Young Readers, #1)
The Art of Being a Friend (Friendship Tales: Celebrating the Power of Love and Understanding, #8)
Celebrating Differences (Friendship Tales: Celebrating the Power of Love and Understanding, #9)
The Junior Detective Handbook (Detective Chronicles for Kids: Cases to Crack and Mysteries to Solve, #11)
The Power of Kindness (Friendship Tales: Celebrating the Power of Love and Understanding, #6)
Adventures Beyond Reality (Brave Girls Club: Real-Life Tales of Friendship, Family, and Overcoming Challenges, #6)
Brave Explorers (Brave Girls Club: Real-Life Tales of Friendship, Family, and Overcoming Challenges, #7)
Mystery Hunters-Cracking Cases in the Big City (Detective Chronicles for Kids: Cases to Crack and Mysteries to Solve, #8)