Jeff and Jordan Kim are the much-beloved, wildly popular, incredibly endearing, and subtly funny father-son duo known as The CrunchBros. In their first three years, they gathered more than 3.9 million followers on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, with many of their videos earning more than a half million likes each. And what do the Bros do? It's simple: They cook, eat, and learn about food, mainly Korean-inspired favorites from dad Jeff's Korean background and Japanese-inspired dishes from the culinary heritage of the behind-the-scenes, off-camera CrunchMom, also known as CrunchBoss. The Bros get thousands of fan messages from young and old alike, especially from parents who say the CrunchBros videos have motivated their children to try new foods and develop a more adventuresome palate. The CrunchBros have been featured on Buzzfeed, Rachael Ray, Tasty, and Food Network, among other venues. They live with little-sister Kaiya and, of course, CrunchMom, in Orange County, California, just south of Los Angeles.