Jillian Forte was born and raised on the hills overlooking Lake Superior in Duluth, MN. She has lived or traveled to over 36 countries. Her degree in Anthropology highlights cultural and culinary traditions around the world and sparks her imagination to create unique dishes. Cooking professionally for over 20 years, she was the executive chef for nine of her 17 years with At Sara's Table Chest Creek Cafe. Featured on PBS, the Food Network, and in the Duluth News Tribune, Jillian has written hundreds of original recipes and one cookbook. When not in the kitchen, you can find her spinning fire with friends, hiking in the woods, or snorkeling in Mexico. After two years of traveling and writing, she is back in the kitchen of her favorite restaurant (At Sara's Table Chester Creek Cafe) working her magic. Find her at chefjillianforte.com or on FB and Instagram.