Betty Epps Arnett: After major surgery on graduation day, Betty Jane arrived late at the Methodist Mission U.S.-2 Training...that did little to prepare her to be a housemother. Challenges and temptations traveled with her all the way to Alaska: no reservation in the Seattle hotel; a surprise romance on the steamship; and the offer of a job as a stewardess. But she held fast to her resolve to be a short-term missionary to eleven little boys. They responded to her southern accent with, "How come you talk like dat?" and asked "How long you gonna stay?" She wondered herself when her first meal was unpalatable moose soup, her first day of supervision turned into a disaster, and when she saw the mountain of mending, washing, and ironing that would be her responsibility. But survive she did, and now in her 80s she still resides in her beloved Alaska, the Last Frontier.