No one knows what sparked Rakan's devotion to dinosaurs! It started just after he turned 3, and to this date, his intense interest in those creatures has never faded. When it comes to learning about dinosaurs, he is unstoppable. He is intrigued by their names, the periods, the places they have lived, and so much more! His favorite places are dinosaurs' museums, exhibits, and library sections, all about them.Dinosaur books, of course, make fantastic bedtime stories for Rakan. His favorite books include the series "How do dinosaurs say goodnight?" "Atlas of dinosaur adventures," and "Danny and the dinosaur."When he is not feeding his dinosaur obsession, Rakan Azize loves to swim and practice his Taekwondo. He also enjoys gaming with his older brother Rayn Ismael and spends time with his little sister, Ranya Zahra.Follow him at https: //