Nora is also a young girl who is just starting her life out. She is quickly following in her sister footsteps wanting to get involved with gymnastics and soccer. Nora is a very independent girl who likes to do everything on her own, even if it is something that a kids her age shouldn't be doing. She loves nothing more then playing with he sister. Nora loves spending time at home, and still doesn't like being too far away from her mother. Nora has excellent manners, loves to play with friends and family but since she is still young she is very sensitive and doesn't like anyone to take anything from her or telling her what to do. While Maeve and Nora get along very well, they have all the same stuff or they get jealous of what the other one has and it turns into a disagreement. This has got much better recently as they have taken the advice they have written about in their new book and have decided that it is much more fun to share. Nora also hopes you enjoy her book as well!
Apr 15, 2022
Cover of The Sharing Zoo

The Sharing Zoo