Sylvia Meissner, illustrator and author of - 'The Colour Medicine Oracle Guidebook', is following her life career working as a psychic, healer, a spiritual counsellor and an international artist; to introduce light laws in - 'Healing with Colour Codes' for the Chakra's of mankind. Her name 'Sylvia' in Latin means - Forest Elf. As a child, she loved to colour, draw and paint. She has been called - 'The Rainbow Warrior', by B International Magazine, 'and called' Green Art' 'by The South China Post Newspaper in Hong Kong. Her mission is to represent - 'Mother Nature' towards an environmental message for mankind to look after our precious planet. In 2004, she was invited as the second only artist in the world to showcase - 'Colour Medicine for the 21st Century', at Burj Al Arab in Dubai, UAE. The Dubai Times Newspaper wrote an article about the artist's exhibition tapping into - 'Colour Consciousness'. Her dedication as a light worker connecting to the other - side, is to help advance the spiritual evolution of mankind!Her other interests in life include; swimming, relaxing at the beach, gardening, cooking, bush walking and managing her own New Age Gallery in Australia. You can find more information on Sylvia's website: http: //