Tracy A. Malone is an international narcissist abuse survival coach, author, and founder of, a global resource to empower victims of emotional abuse, which offers support and coaching to those trying to break the ties with narcissistic people in their lives. Tracy is a surTHRIVER of Narcissistic Abuse. Tracy has authored multiple eBooks on narcissistic abuse to educate victims on how to divorce a narcissist, narcissistic spouses, siblings, friends, parents, children, co-parenting with a narcissist, and dealing with a narcissistic boss or coworker. Her latest publication, Divorcing Your Narcissist: You Can't Make This Shit Up!, is a straightforward guide for what to expect and how to effectively plan ahead. It includes real-life experiences, methods to outlast the attempts at destruction, and flourish after the dust has settled. An expert on destructive relationships, Tracy offers online courses focusing on how to set boundaries, change your story to stop attracting narcissists, and how to create a narc-proof parenting plan. A frequent guest at summits and on podcasts, Tracy has a successful YouTube presence that includes more than 420 videos with an increasing subscriber base that has surpassed two million survivors. Her Narcissistic Abuse Support website ( offers resources to victims in excess of 145 countries, and her Facebook group exceeds 15,000 members. Inspirational quotes on Pinterest have seen more than two million monthly visitors. Coaching services, interviews, and appearance requests nationally and internationally for Tracy can be made through