It's Time to Introduce
My New Almost Best Friend

And he is our author, Rich Agnello!

Now he likes to be called Rich, so don't forget that! He's a native of Webster, New York, outside Rochester, so I guess he's bummed; my pitching whupped his hometown's snowy ass.
Rich holds an undergraduate degree in speech communication from Marquette University and a master's degree in public administration from the University of Denver. That basically means he can't figure out what 'boomer sooner' means, so whoop-de-doo to him, too!
Whatta mean he resides in Worthington, Ohio outside Columbus with his wife Theresa? Agnello, have you ever been to Keyes, Oklahoma, you booger bear! Oh, we've had so much fun this year--haven't we, Rich! Smile when you say that, mister!
But seriously, I hear Rich's life experience growing up is just like mine! He saw his own mother suffer this way for 37 years, and yet he also saw his two sisters and himself earn two graduate and three undergraduate degrees, and Rich also has 15 years as a select youth soccer coach and Marquette soccer letterman. Okay, can't figure any of that out, but fine!