Shelley Larkin is the co-creator of the Lizard Who Loves a Blizzard, Nick Knitley and The SockKids, and is co-developing other animation series with Michael John Sullivan, including the Dr. Neverme and Dinomike projects. Shelley is involved in all aspects of the animation ventures, including marketing and promotions, and merchandising of books, videos, and other products. One of Shelley's passions is the Destination Imagination (DI) worldwide learning program for kids K-12, where she served as Director in the greater Sacramento area. Focused on creative problem-solving techniques, hundreds of thousands of children are served by the program each year, supported by thousands of volunteers. Shelley was presented with the DI Spirit of Discovery Award in recognition of her outstanding commitment and devotion to the global program. Michael and Shelley's initial collaboration was co-authoring a children's short story, "The SockKids Stand Up Against Bullying", a nationally distributed book developed in concert with Destination Imagination. This story creates awareness of an important life lesson for children and shows how The SockKids can deliver these messages through animation and books.