Megha Sood is a Pushcart-nominated Poet, Editor, and Blogger based in New Jersey, USA. She is an Associate Editor at MookyChick(UK), Life and Legends (USA), and Literary Partner in the project "Life in Quarantine" with Stanford University, USA. Works widely featured in journals, Poetry Society of New York, Kissing Dynamite, and many more. Author of Chapbook (My Body is Not an Apology, FinishingLine press, 2021) and Full Length (My Body Lives Like a Threat, FlowerSongPress,2021). Recipient of Poet Fellowship 2021, Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, National Level Winner Spring Mahogany Lit Prize 2020, and Three-Time State-level winner of NJ Poetry Contest.Blogs at https: // Tweets at @meghasood16