Mynet Velez is a former federal agent, and current professor of criminal justice and instructor of law enforcement, educating youth and adults along the East Coast, USA. A competitive martial artist in Doce Pares style Eskrima and studying Tae Kwon Do, she has also competed in firearms, and endurance events inclusive of obstacle course racing, and Strongman weightlifting. Listening to her mambo soul, she enjoys dancing salsa, cha-cha and tango. Following the path of Atabey, she has raised her two sons as a single mami to be proud and embrace their diverse cultural heritage, philanthropy to community, and service to country by embodying honor first. Firmly believing in her family's motto of, who perseveres, triumphs, she is sharing the historical events that affected the indigenous people of Boriken, now known as the Taino, which continue to define who the people of Puerto Rico are in this world through the characters she has developed. She can be reached via her Instagram account, @mynet.honorfirst and via email at