Aside from his successes in Major League Baseball and the communications industry, Ed Munson has maintained his love as a free-lance writer, including a movie screenplay (Breach), "treatments" for 30 would-be novels (The Letter, No Man's Land, On Target, Threshold, Full Count, Last Chance, The Fountain of Youth, The Antique Collector, The Wish, Crossroads, K 23, The Link, Crossbow, The Crystal, The Whippoorwill Project, The Compass, Command Decision, Countermeasures, The Big Casino, The Domino Effect, A Game of Inches, Instincts, Enough, The Kilgore Manifesto, The Code Breaker, The Topaz Crystal, Heaven on Earth, The Poseidon Triangle, Silenced and The Equations) and various essays, poems, 'words of wisdom', newsletters, brochures, media releases, features, magazine and event program features as well as scripts.His MLB career includes serving as an Official Scorer for the past 43 seasons for games in Anaheim and Los Angeles. His communications exploits have included serving as board chairman and president of companies, organizations and clubs as well as an executive producer for events and programs. Athletically he lettered in football, basketball, baseball and track in his younger days. He also earned his Eagle Scout badge at age 13.