Jack T Canis lives in South Wales, UK with his wife and three neurodivergent children. He started his professional career as an archaeologist, but through the years has also been a self-employed armourer; an administrator for the NHS and in recent years a qualified person-centred counsellor specialising in bereavement and loss, now retired. Currently he is a full-time carer for his youngest child who has Sotos syndrome and carer for his eldest child who is autistic. He is a part time writer. He is published in a number of publications including: Purple Wall magazine (honourable mention & co-champion), Datura & Sledgehammer Literary magazine. He is in four anthologies and has been longlisted in the Cranked Anvil monthly competition (2021) & Bridport Flash Fiction Competition (2021). The collection of dark short stories, 'Horrific Tales for a Horrific Year' published by Abergavenny Small Press (ASP) is available from
https: //www.asppublishing.co.uk/ or
https: //books2read.com/horrifictales2020
Along with several other publications via books2read.
He can be found on Twitter (daily): @jackcanis.
& Facebook (rarely): @jacktcanis.