David Okeyode is a cloud security architect at the Prisma cloud speedboat at Palo Alto Networks. Before that, he was an independent consultant helping companies secure their cloud environments through private expert-level training and assessments. He holds 15 professional certifications across the Azure and AWS platforms, including the Azure Security Engineer, Azure DevOps, and AWS Security Specialist certifications. He has also authored two cloud computing courses for the popular cybersecurity training platform Cybrary.
David has over a decade of experience in cybersecurity (consultancy, design, and implementation) and over 6 years of experience as a trainer. He has worked with organizations of different sizes, from start-ups to major enterprises to government organizations.
David has developed multiple vulnerable-by-design automation templates that can be used to practice cloud penetration testing techniques. He regularly speaks about cloud security at major industry events, such as Microsoft Future Decoded and the European Information Security Summit.
David is married to a lovely girl who makes the best banana cake in the world. They love traveling the world together and intend to do missions in Asia very soon!