Susanna Lane lives with her husband in rural northern Georgia, having lived most of her life in southern New Jersey. Together, they have two successful sons and daughters-in-law, as well as four adorable grandchildren, the gems of her life. Besides reading and writing, Susanna loves to travel the backroads of the Old West, and at one time, on horseback in the Rockies. Awestruck by the mountains at her first sighting, she finds nothing more intriguing than exploring and envisioning the pioneer experience and uncovering their stories. Retired from teaching, Susanna has the time now to write and walk beside her characters, figuring out what they'd say and how they'd say it. The underpinnings of her writing are both characterization and the alluring history of the Old West. She's a proud member of both Women Writing the West and Western Writers of America, having had the fortune to be awarded both the WWA Spur and the Will Rogers Silver Medallion in 2022 for her first novel, Imperfect Promise.