Heather Faith Fletcher was appointed director of the Department of Nursing at Northern Caribbean University, Jamaica, in 2014 and served in this capacity for the next five years. Previously, she was director from 2001 to 2008 after serving as acting director for two years. She has taught for more than twenty-six years at Northern Caribbean University. Fletcher is a graduate of West Indies College (now Northern Caribbean University) with a bachelor of science degree in nursing and is a registered nurse. She is also a graduate of Loma Linda University having earned a master of science degree in nursing with a focus on gerontology and nursing education as well as a PhD in nursing with emphasis on geriatric health promotion. Dr. Fletcher's research is on caregiver burden, health literacy, and self-care in older adults. For the last twenty years she has given many national and international presentations on geriatric issues. Furthermore, she has published articles in academic and professional journals, magazines, and The Gleaner, a major Jamaican newspaper. Fletcher is the recipient of several accolades. To name a few, she was inducted into The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International. She has received awards for excellence in teaching and in administration from Northern Caribbean University. Fletcher provides professional services to the Nursing Council of Jamaica, the Jamaica Ministry of Health, and organizations that relate to the welfare of older adults, the vulnerable, and the poor. She also contributes to nation building in her capacity as a consultant and mentor.