16 books
500 Sudoku Brain Teaser Variants Level 4 Vol. 2
750 Sudoku Brain Teaser 12x12 with solutions
750 Sudoku Brain Teaser 16x16 with solutions
1500 Sudoku Brain Teaser X with solutions
500 Sudoku Brain Teaser Samurai with solutions
500 Sudoku Brain Teaser Marathon with solutions
750 Sudoku Brain Teaser Triathlon B with solutions
750 Sudoku Brain Teaser Twins with solutions
1500 Sudoku Brain Teaser 9x9 with solutions
750 Sudoku Brain Teaser 16x16 mit Lösungen
500 Sudoku Brain Teaser Samurai mit Lösungen
750 Sudoku Brain Teaser Triathlon A with solutions
750 Sudoku Brain Teaser Triathlon A mit Lösungen
1500 Sudoku Brain Teaser mit Lösungen
1500 Sudoku Brain Teaser 9x9
1500 SUDOKU Brain Teaser