Nancy K. Schlossberg, EdD, professor emerita at the University of Maryland, College Park, in the Department of Counseling and Personnel Services, College of Education, was a tenured full professor for 27 years. She received her doctorate in counseling from Teachers College, Columbia University. She also served on the faculties of Wayne State University, Howard University, and Pratt Institute and was the first woman executive at the American Council on Education (ACE), where she established the Office of Women in Higher Education. Dr. Schlossberg's awards include Fellow of three divisions of the American Psychological Association (APA), Fellow of the Gerontological Association, the 1983 APA G. Stanley Hall Lecturer on Adult Development, and Distinguished Scholar at the University of Maryland (1983). She was named one of the Eminent Women in Psychology by the APA and was listed in Who's Who of American Women in 1993. She was named the 2016 Teachers College Columbia University Distinguished Alumni Award and the 2018 American Psychological Association Citizen Psychologist Presidential Citation. She received awards from The National Career Development Association, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, and American College Personnel Association. She has written ten books, the most recent, Too Young to be Old.