Shannon MacDonald has a unique mission in life to help people remember the truth of who they are as they awaken from the dream of forgetfulness and listen to the song of the soul. As one remembers how to look beyond seeing, thinking, and believing, life takes on new meaning while magnetizing infinite possibilities and potentials. The demanding pace and responsibilities of modern life shift from fear to love and pressure to peace as the divine inheritance of conscious creation awakens from within. A devotee to uplifting and harmonizing the hearts of humanity and emissary for Higher Consciousness, Shannon relays messages of divine inspiration, love, hope, and healing in her books, events, and services. Her unique experience and abilities often help people reconnect with their hearts and heal in profound and unexpected ways. Shannon's services include Spiritual Healing and Transformational Life Coaching. Her focus is to help humanity shift from fear, illusion, and limitation-based 3D reality into love, truth, and liberation-based 5D Unified Field Consciousness. Her services are available worldwide via video call and in person at her center in Ormond Beach, Florida. Transformational classes and healing events are available online and in person. When she's not busy writing and helping others alchemize their best life, Shannon spends her time enjoying the beach, spending time with her family, playing with her dog, practicing and teaching kundalini yoga, and riding motorcycles with her husband. Visit Shannon online to learn more: