Brian Level is a cartoonist, tattooer, and writer who has contributed to premiere comic books like Star Wars, Batman, Spider-Man, Avengers, and Deadpool. His work has been internationally well-received for over 15 years. The combination of the horrific and the spiritual in his projects makes them endlessly rereadable. He runs his tattoo shop and lives with his family in Cincinatti.

Andy Eschenbach is a writer who's recent works include the sci-fi/crime miniseries Red Shoes (Virus Comics), and the alien holiday horror short "Bethlehem" (Heavy Metal Magazine). When he's not writing, Andy works as owner/artist at Flying Tiger Tattoo Studio, and spends time with his family in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Kate Sherron is an artist, designer, comic book writer, and Professor of Sequential Art at SCAD, where she earned her MFA in Illustration many, many years ago. Kate has worked on many licensed all-ages properties and is currently developing several creator-owned projects for older readers.