Leonie Featherstone was born and raised in the Outback of Australia. Her adventurous spirit led her to travel the globe, seek a variety of careers, become passionately self-employed and essentially enjoy where life took her. She now leads a dedicated team of Essential Oil Enthusiasts, dividing her time between her children and the love of her life at their farm in the Pioneer Valley outside of Mackay, Central Queensland.She received life-saving treatment from the Royal Flying Doctors' service as a child. This was the catalyst for her life's purpose- to give back to the community and worthwhile service projects.Stewart, or Farmer Green as she calls him, is the other half of her heart and her 'rock'! Farmer Green had a cattle and grain property in Central Queensland and therefore has a sound understanding of the 'sowing and reaping' principles and all the challenges that go with that, so he is very good at 'grounding' her! He has endured much in his personal life. Life on the land is a constant challenge requiring persistence and character strength. In an industry where too much or too little rain at the wrong time has destroyed many a land owner's dreams, he quietly plans and works tirelessly and then adjusts according to whatever nature and other elements throw at him and continues on his chosen course because he has a 'dream' of what he wants to achieve. He constantly encourages Leonie to stick to her course and reminds her that sometimes crops don't turn out the way you want, but you need to keep 'planting' and hope for a better outcome next time!