Angela McCubbin was born in Western Australia, graduating University with a Business and Finance Degree. The majority of her career was spent in the corporate world, however, a passion for understanding the power of the mind emerged during her early twenties, shortly after the death of her father. This passion led to further studies in the fields of philosophy and spirituality, including an additional four years of post-graduate studies in Positive Psychology & Energy Healing Sciences in New York, USA. Her fourth-year thesis was titled 'The Power of Belief' which examined phenomenon such as the placebo effect and the potential for the mind to exert influence over the health of the body. Angela has travelled extensively, living in Singapore, Europe and America for over twenty years. Her two daughters were born in Texas, USA and were raised in Munich, Germany and they all now reside in Australia.
Jan 20, 2021
Cover of The YAY! Mindset

The YAY! Mindset