CHRIS RADGE, is an Australian novelist based in Brisbane, Queensland where she writes fulltime and is a part-time stay-at-home NanMa. Her published works include Oz Tales Anthologies, 'Smithy', in 'Short Stories of Mystery and Murder, 'Tinsel Fructify' in 'Short Stories of Forests and Fantasy', 'Ghost Writer' in 'Short Stories of Ghosts' and 'Feathered Hooves' in 'From the Edge' WAG. Currently engaged in writing an Octology of YA Urban Fantasy books called The Elder Scale Series and two Children's picture books Where the Lost Things Go and Sneezes. She is a member of Queensland Writers Centre, BWG, Booklinks, Australian Fairy Tale Society and looks forward to the Rainforest Writing Retreat every year catering morning and afternoon tea. With a 300 page recipe book called 'Nothin to it' full of easy fifteen minute recipes. Chris is the organizer of this anthology and has loved the journey from the beginning to the end. She loves being busy. Lucky hey.