446 books • 54 series
Kontan Pouy Yo Vin Zanmi Ou (Happy to Be Your Friend) (Phoenix AK Goose - Nivo 1 (Phoenix and Goose - Level 1))
Mwen Espyon Ble Nan Lanmè a (I Spy Blue in the Ocean) (Mwen Espyon AK Ti Je Mwen an - Nivo 1 (I Spy with My Little Eye - Level 1))
Mara Sirèn La Rankontre Yon Dofen (Mara the Mermaid Meets a Dolphin) (Mara Sirèn La - Nivo 1 (Mara the Mermaid - Level 1))
Les Abeilles Tueuses (Killer Bees) Bilingual Eng/Fre (Les Animaux Les Plus Meurtriers (Deadliest Animals) Bilingual Eng/Fre)
Mwen Te Kapab Vin Yon Chef (I Could Bee a Chef) (Kisa Mwen Ka Ye? - Nivo 1 (What Can I Bee? - Level 1))
Las Abejas Asesinas (Killer Bees) Bilingual Eng/Spa (Los Animales Más Letales (Deadliest Animals) Bilingual Eng/Spa)
Leemos Sobre Los Elefantes Bebé (We Read about Baby Elephants) (¡Yo Leo! ¡Tú Lees! - Nivel 1 (I Read! You Read! - Level 1))
Les Gorilles (Gorillas) Bilingual Eng/Fre (Mes Amis Les Animaux Du Zoo (Zoo Animal Friends) Bilingual Eng/Fre)
Les Vaches (Cows) Bilingual Eng/Fre (Nos Amis les Animaux de la Ferme (Farm Animal Friends) Bilingual)
Les Girafes (Giraffes) Bilingual Eng/Fre (Mes Amis Les Animaux Du Zoo (Zoo Animal Friends) Bilingual Eng/Fre)
Les Singes (Monkeys) Bilingual Eng/Fre (Mes Amis Les Animaux Du Zoo (Zoo Animal Friends) Bilingual Eng/Fre)