Trisha Lynn Halaas was a born writer and as a child, dubbed the 'family reporter'. She would go on to write for her college newspaper, The Madonna Herald, and eventually a local newspaper in her home state of Michigan, The Suburban Lifestyles. Having a strong background in Broadcast Journalism, she managed to keep a diary through it all. Diligently journaling since 1990, she knew that her passion lied in more than reporting. A true writer, she has always been in love with the story. While in college, she would fantasize and take note of all the stories that she would someday pen after finishing grueling term papers. She is also an avid reader. 'Silent reading time' was her favorite subject in grade school as she continues to devour books daily. Forever a dreamer, an idea for her first fantasy fiction trilogy set in a dystopian post-apocalyptic future formed in her mind and the words incessantly begged to be put to paper. So she did. She did, and she went a step further. After losing her beloved brother, Shane, to the ravages of addiction, she wanted to draw attention to the subject. She meshed her love of the story with her love for her brother, creating their own unique presentation of addiction awareness. Her debut novel explores timely themes, addiction, and grief in a new and unique way. It can be said that Trisha was handed the bitterest limes life has to offer. From which, she's concocted the most delicious mint mojito in a sugar-rimmed martini glass topped with a tiny pink polka dot umbrella. She lived in Michigan for most of her life, briefly resided in Maryland, and finally settled in Arizona, where she currently resides with her dog, Chloe. If you would like to order signed books or check for a book signing near you, visit her website at: https: // You can also find Trisha on Facebook: https: // Instagram: @TrishaLynnHalaas