F.R. Black is a hopeless romantic and fantasy enthusiast based in the beautiful state of Colorado. When she's not whisking readers away to mystical realms filled with passionate romance, you can find her indulging in her favorite hobbies - reading with a glass of wine in hand and hanging out with her wacky family.As a die-hard romance lover, F.R. Black's writing is heavily influenced by her readers, who inspire her to create immersive worlds and swoon-worthy love stories. Her books are full of thrilling adventures, heart-melting romances, and a healthy dose of humor.When F.R. Black isn't penning her next enchanting novel, you might catch her daydreaming about castles and dashing heroes or searching for the perfect recipe for chocolate chip cookies. Her true passion for storytelling shines through in every word, and her books are guaranteed to transport you to a world of enchantment and blissful romance.With a flair for drama and a lovable quirkiness, F.R. Black is a force to be reckoned with in the world of romance fantasy. So grab a copy of her latest novel, pour yourself a glass of wine, and get ready to fall head over heels in love with her captivating tales.