Beliefs can be manipulated, only knowledge is dangerous Mi$ter X is a secretive person, only a handful of people know who he is. He has a mysterious personality, and the alure of his wealth and charisma attracts many. We don't know anything about his childhood and teens. We suppose he has lived all his life in New York City, writing self-mastery articles, doing private coaching and working for secret organizations. He has helped the world's most influential entrepreneurs - and beyond - to escape from huge debts and violent crises, thanks to his manipulation skills (his father was an FBI psychology specialized in criminal interviews and cyber-manipulation), his innate skills to create huge cash flows, his wide experience and his influential connections. For these reasons, he is nicknamed The stealthy right hand of the billionaire entrepreneurs. Book writing is his true passion, and a few years back, he started publishing the masterpieces with the aim of helping ordinary people to build extraordinary lives. He was kept in jail for about 20 years. His books have helped a lot of people to change their lives up to a great extent. The famous ones include: The Mind Hacking System: the FBI Methods and The Nightmare: Brainwash and Use Them. The curious thing is that these two books are no longer available on the market because two visionary American entrepreneurs hurried to buy the information included in these books to keep their golden tricks for themselves and for their closest collaborators. Now, MI$TER X is back on the stage with a new series of masterpieces full of scandalous information. His 2020 masterpiece series formed 25-books is: The A-Z Subliminal Manipulation Program Revealed 1000+1 NLP Brainwashing & Dark Psychology Censored Techniques of FBI Psychologists, Billionaire Entrepreneurs and Influential Politicians. Check it out, who knows how long it will be available... Are you ready to welcome him?