89 books • 1 series
CharakterKomödien Der Tartüff
La Gloire Du Val- De-Grâce
Molière: Don Juan, The Miser and more
Don Juan Ou Le Festin de Pierre
Dom Garcie de Navarre Ou Le Prince Jaloux
Oeuvres De Molière; Volume 1
Plays From Molière
The Imaginary Invalid
The Bourgeois Gentleman
The School for Husbands; A Comedy in Three Acts
The Bores; A Comedy in Three Acts
Don Garcia of Navarre; Or, the Jealous Prince, A Heroic Comedy in Five Acts
The Love-Tiff; Le Dépit Amoureux, Comédie En Cinq Actes
The Pretentious Young Ladies; A Comedy
The Blunderer, Or The Counter-Plots; L'Etourdi Ou Les Contre-Tems, A Comedy
El hipócrita
The History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People Called Quakers Intermixed with Several Remarkable Occurrencs.
L'Avare; Comédie en cinq actes et en prose
Le Misanthrope; Comédie
El Misántropo
Las Mujeres Sabihondas
Le Mariage forcé; La Comédie
Les Précieuses ridicules; Une Comédie