Seaschel Frey is the mother of five. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking for family and friends. On the weekends, she and her husband spend quality time feeding and ministering to the less fortunate and are on a name by name basis with them. Seaschel Frey began to write stage plays, church orientation manuals, poetry, and music over fifteen years ago. She'd never given it much thought until her husband persuaded her to pursue it. Inspired by dreams, visions, and lots of life experiences Seaschel decided to go the mile. When asked why do you write for children, Seaschel replied; "should our age keep us from explor-ing the inner- child from time- to- time? Of course not. As children, we love racing bikes or big wheels, now some love to race cars and motorcycles. We used to climb tall trees and jump, and many of us still love amusement parks. Lastly, we still watch cartoons. Isn't that feeding the inner- child?"