Carrie-Anne Brownian, who also writes as Ursula Hartlein, earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in History and Russian and East European Studies. Her areas of historical expertise are Russian history, the World War II/Shoah era, and 20th century American history. She is the author of Little Ragdoll: A Bildungsroman, a contemporary historical family saga set from 1959-74, and has had work published in the anthologies Campaigner Challenges 2011, edited by Katharina Gerlach and Rachael Harrie; Overcoming Adversity: An Anthology for Andrew, edited by Nick Wilford; How I Found the Right Path, edited by Carrie Butler and PK Hrezo; The Insecure Writer's Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond; The Cat Who Chose Us and Other Cat Stories; and Masquerade: Oddly Suited. Under her other pen name, she is the author of And Jakob Flew the Fiend Away, a Bildungsroman set from 1940-46; its sequel, And the Lark Arose from Sullen Earth, set from 1946-47 in New Jersey; You Cannot Kill a Swan: The Love Story of Lyuba and Ivan, a sweeping saga set from 1917-24; The Twelfth Time: Lyuba and Ivan on the Rocks, its sequel, set from 1924-30; Journey Through a Dark Forest: Lyuba and Ivan in the Age of Anxiety, a four-volume saga spanning 1933-48; and And Aleksey Lived, an alternative historical saga about the greatest Tsar who never ruled.