An accomplished pianist with a passion for music and languages, Emilia has started her music career at the age of 5 and has since accumulated a strong portfolio of performances with Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Midlands Youth Orchestra and has won over 30 music awards from competitions in Lithuania and Ireland. She also took part in RTE's talent show "Class Act." After receiving a scholarship from the UCD Philharmonic Orchestra in 2010, she spent the next three years of her Bachelor's degree under the tutelage of Dr. Ciaran Crilly, majoring in both Music and English. Following a Bachelor of Arts degree, Emilia finished a Master's programme in Modernity, Culture and Literature, and decided to go back to her ultimate passion - music - by opening up ESML in 2013. The school has been featured in three documentaries and Ken Wardop's movie "Making the Grade" in 2018.