Dr. Ofer Grosbard is a clinical psychologist with a further degree (Ph.D.) in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University [in the United States]. Dr. Grosbard is an expert in multi-cultural education and psychology, and a lecturer at Tel Aviv and Haifa universities, and at the Arab Academic College for Education in Haifa. He has published many academic articles, as well as ten award-winning books that have been translated into various languages. Dr. Grosbard's novels and non-fiction books have been translated into several languages and have been awarded prizes. His works include: The Arab Within - Tammuz Press. Hebrew Writers' Association in Israel Book of the Year - 2000. Menachem Begin - The Absent Leader. Biography. Strategic Research and Policy Center, National Defense College, IDF, 2007. Winner of the Menachem Begin Heritage Center Research Prize. The Holy Quran for Educating the Child. Ben-Gurion University, 2008. Represented Israel at the Israel President's Conference, 2008.